"Kecantikan seorang wanita bukanlah dari pakaian yang dikenakannya, susuk yang ia tampilkan, atau bagaimana ia menyisir rambutnya. Kecantikan seorang wanita harus dilihat dari matanya, karena itulah pintu hatinya, tempat dimana cinta itu ada. "


June 4, 2011

1ST iMPRESSION...!!!!!!

1st impresssion aku ketika mula2 tiba kat kilang ni... aku 'termakan' dgn kata2 senior aku tentang kilang ni(macam2..tp biarlah masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri je...dan...BIARLAH RAHSIA...)
Hakikatnya.. don't judge book from this cover...

Benarlah, jika sesuatu perkara itu  kita lakukan dgn ikhlas dan bersangka baik... ALLAH pasti akan permudahkan segala urusan.INSYAALLAH..Dan sebenarnya, sepanjang LI kat sini aku belum pernah terjumpa lgi dgn ape yg d perkatakan oleh senior2 aku yg lepas...Perasaan mereka je kot...    
KESIMPULANYA, kita perlu sentiasa bersangka baik dalam ape jua perkara(ingatan untuk diri aku jgak tau..)   "Bersangka buruk itu adalah sebahagian dosa"                                                  


June 1, 2011


Sekadar nak 'flashback' peristiwa2 & kenangan di Pioneer...

Hari 1st aku kat sane punyelah terkejut@shock culture la org kate... dengan
suasane industri, coz tak pernah keje kilang..."Jauh perjalann luas pengetahuan"huhuuhu.. selepas di beri taklimat oleh cik Roslina, iaitu HR yg menguruskan kami, tentg sedikit(lau banyak pulak semasa dan ketika LI la bru m0re knowledge...) kilang ni..aku ingat lg soaln yg dajukan pada aku ketika IQ Test djalankn..

"Siti, ape tu ESD??" (haa???? tak pernah blaja pon n 1st time dgr nih!!En Azmi tak ajar pon.. getus hatiku..hakhakhakhak!!!) aku pun dgn yakin dan berdiri,menjawab "tak tahu,cik"... ngeeeee.....

"Eh kate study Elektronik, tak tau ke??"tanye cik tu lagi.. "tak" jawab ku... Then, abg Technician yg melapor diri pada hari yg same dgn aku yg duduk depan aku ni yg jawab. -ELEKTROSTATIC DISCHARGE-

Disini dikongsikan sedikit sebnyak tentng ESD:

Electrostatic Discharge, or ESD, is a single-event, rapid transfer of electrostatic charge between two objects, usually resulting when two objects at different potentials come into direct contact with each other. ESD can also occur when a high electrostatic field develops between two objects in close proximity. ESD is one of the major causes of device failures in the semiconductor industry.

Electrostatic charge build-up occurs as a result of an imbalance of electrons on the surface of a material. Such a charge build-up develops an electric field that has measurable effects on other objects at a distance. The process of electron transfer as a result of two objects coming into contact with each other and then separating is known as 'triboelectric charging'.

This charging process results in one object gaining electrons on its surface, and therefore becoming negatively charged, and another object losing electrons from its surface, and therefore becoming positively charged. A person can get triboelectrically charged in a number of ways, even by just walking across a room. The tendencies of various materials to charge up either positively or negatively are shown in a Triboelectric Series.

There are three (3) predominant ESD models for IC's: 1) the Human Body Model (HBM); 2) the Charged Device Model (CDM); and 3) the Machine Model (MM). The HBM simulates the ESD event when a person charged either to a positive or negative potential touches an IC that is at another potential. The CDM simulates the ESD event wherein a device charges to a certain potential, and then gets into contact with a conductive surface at a different potential. The MM simulates the ESD event that occurs when a part of an equipment or tool comes into contact with a device at a different potential. HBM and CDM are considered to be more 'real world' models than the MM.

ESD-related failures manifest in a number of ways, exhibiting one or more of these attributes: junction leakage, short, or burn-out; dielectric rupture; resistor-metal interface rupture; resistor/metal fusing; and die surface charging.>>>>> SUMBER:
